Friday, February 6, 2009

Pics of Bubbles (Fotos de Burbuja)

These Pics I like them and they are kind of special and some person create the other pic that is really really baby blue hehe that looks cool right and sometimes i like that pic too but the one that has baby blue looks like she was in a deep ocean hehehe and she a little bit my favorite only I like is Blossom and Buttercupand they are so awesome for reals and i don't know why? but really AWESOME DUDE hehehe just kidding i didn't mean to say it yeah for reals i don't need 2 say to the girls because they might get mad jejeje yeah ok enjoy this website.

Hola soy Bellota orta vez jejeje ok pues la fotos son differendes y no saben como la persona que ase este foto es impossible y yo tambien igual pero la foto me gustava es la este foto que tiene azul y por que parece que Burbuja esta en la playa pero a entro la agua pero en serio parece y me gustava tambien la foto pero me gusta mas de este foto no se por que pero me gusta jejeje ok pues que vaya bien con este Blog ok cuidanse.

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